SPRING NEWS & Important Updates

The Sugar Maple at the Poplar Grove Schoolhouse

This newsletter was originally sent on May 28, 2022


It's really challenging to face the tragedies of our times with resilient hope, especially when we are continuously exposed. With each new report I am reminded of how little and also how great our power is. We have little power to affect the things occurring across the planet from us, and we have great power to affect what happens in our own backyards - and even in our heads. Our power is so great in this regard that there are folks out there working to cut us down with every crack they find. I am embodying resilience by putting my attention into things I can control, like paying forward the kindnesses that have been bestowed upon me and pouring my heart into the work that I do in my community, in my garden, and in my home. I hope you feel my heart work in our interactions, and that it bolsters your own resilience.


I am finally settled into the new office! It is in a shared suite with Kristin Snyder, LMHC who specializes in perinatal care and play therapies, and has already curated a comfortable healing space in which I and this practice have been warmly welcomed. We will want to keep our voices low in the shared spaces, though Kristin and I have found that speaking at normal volumes while in our respective treatment spaces causes no disruption. Thank you for keeping this in mind as we move forward. The address has been updated in all my web spaces, so keep a close eye on your reminder emails to make sure you arrive in the correct space and have the details about entering the building and the suite.

Some bookkeeping - It is time for most of you to update your paperwork with me. As policies have evolved so too have your bodies and your needs. Please allow yourself between five and ten minutes extra time to review and update your forms at our next session.

As this practice grows, my availability tightens - this is a good thing! What it means for you, my existing and regular clients, is that you will want to go ahead and book yourself out for your regular sessions through the next three months. This way we ensure that you have the sessions you want and I can also get a feel for when and where I may need to extend my availability. We will repeat this process at the turn of each season with my reminder. And if you are someone who has more open availability yourself, I will say that I'm really hoping to see more consistent Wednesdays…


New blog posts are in the works, though I am taking my time to ensure the information I am sharing is most thorough and poetic. In the meantime, I am catching up on the Black Progressives Podcast, the Druidcast podcast, and gathering daily inspiration from Tricia Hersey of the Nap Ministry. Check them out if you're not already familiar and let’s have some thoughtful conversations.


You may have already caught wind that I will be participating in the upcoming Block Party for the Modern Witch, hosted by oak. Bloomington and the Bloomington Witch Collective. The festivities begin at 4pm on Tuesday, June 21st. There will be music and offerings in abundance so come check it out, do some dancing, and bring a friend to receive $1/min chair massage from me and a potential guest MT, yet to be confirmed.


This past weekend was spent in Grand Rapids beginning the second half of the Abdominal Therapy training, which is all about the back body. I met a new set of classmates and as we learned and worked together I gained so much information from my own body. Who knew my sacrum stored so many stories! I walked away from this weekend with a drastically changed set of glutes, an awareness of my deeper tensions, and a mindfulness around my posture and movement habits. I will complete my training the weekend of June 10th, so keep an eye out for changing menu options for the full spectrum of the Abdominal Therapy as well as evolved glute work for all therapeutic sessions.

With love and gratitude,



