Labor Massage Offering

Therapeutic Massage during labor is a wonderful option for managing labor pains and anxieties. It is an intimate experience which will be handled delicately, with professional boundaries in mind. The experience can range from relaxation massage as contractions begin, soothing work once contractions are more frequent, to active labor massage.

Scope of Practice

My scope of practice as a Licensed Massage Therapist is to provide touch-based support and a stable, calming presence. It is not in my scope of practice to advise clients on birth progress or interventions, or to provide clinical services or ongoing labor support throughout the birth.

Birth Plan & Agreements

Ideally, we will have discussed your birth plan and intentions for my presence at your birth long before the event. I will want a copy of your birth plan so I don’t need to ask you or your partner distracting questions while I am there. There are two options for my presence during your labor, as follows below. I am not currently available for active labor massage.

Option 1: massage at home or at my office during early labor. This is something to consider if you’re planning on laboring at home for a while before heading to the hospital and want some comfort in your own space as things progress. This may require space in your home for my massage table or my presence in your bedroom or other spaces where you are most comfortable.

Option 2: massage at the hospital once you’ve decided to go. I would arrive once you are fully checked in to provide comforting touch during early labor or just after induction procedures take place.

Both options will include communication and flexibility on arrival and departure.


Being “on call” will mean that I will keep my phone accessible for three weeks surrounding your due date.  I ask for 90 minutes grace period to respond to your text or call, and open communication as we decide when I should head to your location. I will not be available from 12am to 6am and that may mean I miss a chance to be present for you. I will not agree to be available for your labor if I have obstacles like pre-scheduled vacations or work events.


Please notify me with a phone call or text message to 812-510-3924 when you believe your labor has begun. This and further messages can come from the birthing parent, partner, doula or other designated labor support. There is no such thing as too many text messages! I will respond via text with my own updates as I make my way over, and again ask for 90 minutes for travel time. I will not call unless there is an urgent delay or other emergency.


All usual client privilege transfers over from my treatment room to the laboring room. HIPPA guidelines protect your name and other personal identifying information (along with your family’s) if I discuss my experience in your labor with my mentors, colleagues, students and future labor massage clients. You are welcome (and encouraged!) to share my presence in your story with anyone you like. Draping will be flexible to your needs and exposure of the birthing parent may occur - this is normal, natural, and expected. I am committed to maintaining my professional demeanor with a light heart.

Follow Up

A follow up appointment to discuss your experience of your birth will be arranged, ideally separately from your first postpartum massage session, but I am willing to schedule it as a long intake preceding your first postpartum massage. I will send a text or email about a week after your birth to check in and to schedule both the processing chat and the massage.


Labor Massage will be charged at my outcall rate of $100/hour, capped at $300. I will send an invoice to the email I have on file and will expect fulfillment before our follow-up chat. 


Perinatal work has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my practice. I am honored to be included in the cultivation of loving, supported families who have healthy relationships with touch. Please let me know if labor massage sounds right for you, and thank you so much for working with me through you pregnancy.


Massage Referrals


Office Space for Rent